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Union of Tigrayans in North America (UTNA) Press Release

Union of Tigrayans in North America (UTNA Press Release

The Union of Tigrayans in North America (UTNA) would like to congratulate the TPLF for the completion of its 14Th congress despite the current unfavorable political, social, and economic circumstances.

We wish the newly elected leaders a successful tenure and call on them to serve the people of Tigray tirelessly and with unhindered devotion in their endeavor to come out of the current trying state of affairs and encourage them to work hard for the full implementation of the Pretoria Agreement (CoHA) and further strength the unity of Tigray. UTNA reiterates its support for any efforts the TPLF might launch to bring about peace, democracy, and development in Tigray.

Furthermore, UTNA calls on all Tigrayan political and civic organizations and all Tigrayans all over the world to contribute in any way they see fit to bring about peace, democracy, and development in Tigray.
The wellbeing of the people of Tigray First!!

Eternal Glory and Grace to our martyrs!!!

UNION of Tigrayans in North America (UTNA)
August 19, 2024
Washington, DC